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The International Youth Edu-Skills Foundation (IYES Foundation) is a not-for-profit organization established in 2018 to empower youth through education, skills, employment and entrepreneurship to achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The mission of the Foundation is to motivate and involve young people to solve the world’s toughest problems with their full potential and work towards building a brighter future.

Activities of the foundation include:

•Provididing youth the opportunity to participate in international events.

•Developing and implementing social projects to improve education and skills among youth

•Organizing acts of kindness

•Organizing trainings, seminars, conferences, workshops etc.

Major iniatives of the foundation are Akshar Sankalkp , COVID-19 Grocery Aid & BRICS PLUS Yoth Forum


Confederation of Young Leaders (CYL) is one of the foremost chambers for youth organizations and young leaders in India working at the grass-root level & with strong national and international linkages. Collectively programs at CYL engaged more than 50,000 Youth who spearheaded shaping it as a fountainhead of knowledge for youth citizenry, which is all set to redefine the dynamics of growth and development in the 21st century. 

Confederation of Young Leaders (CYL) is one of the leading institution working in the sphere of Public Diplomacy, International Relations, Government, Public Affairs and Public Policy. Amongst many projects and initiatives, the Confederation of Young Leaders (CYL) has been a pioneer in organizing Track II Diplomatic Dialogues in order to promote young people to people friendship with partner countries for which it has received appreciation from eminent personalities like the Hon'ble Vice President of India, Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Union Ministers, Governors and Chief Ministers across India.


The Russia-BRICS Project office of International Youth Cooperation is based in Ulyanovsk, Russia. The Project office was founded in 2020 and since then different projects, designed to support and improve cross-cultural ties between young people from the BRICS countries, are being conducted by its team. 
The goal of the Project office is to unite the efforts of federal and regional government bodies, public organizations, the student community in order to support the systemic interaction of young people and youth organizations in Russia and the BRICS countries. 

The Project office has organized such events as the VI International Youth BRICS Summit, International Youth Forum on Public Diplomacy "InterYES!", International Public Diplomacy project “Meeting Russia: Reunion”, International Youth BRICS Camp. In the nearest future the Project office is going to hold the International Online Case-Conference “UNESCO Global Geoparks of the BRICS+ countries", International Volunteer Online Conference "BRICS. ТO YOU", Youth Cultural Self-Identification Project "BRICS Code" and others.


The Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund was established in accordance with a decree of the President of Russia on February 2, 2010. The mission of the Fund is to encourage development of public diplomacy and support creation of public, political and business climate abroad, favorable for Russia.

The Gorchakov Fund undertakes activities in the following areas:

  • provides support to development of social, cultural, educational, research and management programs in the area of international relations;

  • engages in the analysis of the state of economy and public policy, investment and innovation potential of Russia abroad, consulting and monitoring of current processes in the area of public diplomacy;

  • provides financial, methodological and organizational support to interested national organizations submitting initiative proposals, which comply with the statuary goals of the Fund;

  • organizes and coordinates conferences and workshops, symposia, business meetings and lectures;

  • participates in the educational process;

  • establishes information centers on the topics of the Fund’s expertise;

  • implements international cooperation and provides support to development of international ties;

  • provides assistance in creating a favorable public opinion of Russia abroad;

  • supports advancement of intellectual, cultural, scientific and business potential of Russia abroad and others.

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The National Committee for BRICS Research (BRICS NKI) was established in 2011 in order to implement the approved by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev on May 24, 2011 an action plan to implement the agreements reached at the BRICS summit in Sanya (China).

NKI BRICS main goal is to organize and conduct research on the role and place of the BRICS countries and other "rising powers" in world politics and economics. NKI BRICS is intended to contribute to the formation of a unified information field in the field of domestic BRICS research and the promotion of the Russian position and expert assessments in the international arena; coordination of the activities of leading research organizations and experts in the BRICS area.

Since April 2012, NKI BRICS has begun to issue a regular Bulletin , which contains analysis and information on the most interesting Russian and foreign publications and studies on BRICS topics, publishes NKI BRICS news, and provides an overview of upcoming events.

In 2015 and 2020 within the framework of Russia's chairmanship in association BRICS BRICS NKI nominated for the Russian Foreign Ministry responsible organization for carrying out the key events of the academic track interaction "five" - Academic Forum BRICS , Civic Forum BRICS and others.


South African BRICS Youth Association (SABYA) is a youth led non-profit organization located in South Africa, Pretoria. Its mission is to provide South African and African youth of different races, backgrounds and disciplines a platform to meaningfully engage on intra-BRICS issues and usher in a youth perspective on critical issues affecting young people in particular. We seek to maximize youth participation in BRICS and other international engagements such as the Y20, Euro-BRICS, United Nations and International youth forums.


To create a platform for young people to participate in BRICS, African Union, Y20 and the United Nations to influence policy and engage with governments on the youth-related issue.

To facilitate and host youth conferences and create awareness around multilateral and international youth challenges and opportunities.

To build a cohort of policymakers and influencers who are key players in creating a world free of internalized, interpersonal, and institutional oppression in strategic platforms.

To advocate for the Inclusion of young people within local, regional and international decision making bodies.

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Regional public organization for the preservation and popularization of the cultural, historical, creative heritage and national cultural traditions of the BRICS member countries, support and implementation of multilateral cultural projects in the humanitarian track of the Five.

The main statutory goal of the Organization is to unite citizens and non-governmental organizations of the BRICS member states in order to develop public diplomacy and cooperation in the cultural, educational and social spheres of the BRICS member states.

Among the important and large-scale projects of the Organization: Multilateral relay race of cultural and research expeditions "Great Teachers of BRICS" in the countries of the "five" (2015-2019); International literary and historical project “BRICS Peoples: Dedicated to War Heroes (2020-2021); International online video competition "Revival of the hospitality traditions of the BRICS peoples" in the countries of the union (2020-2025). The organization became a member of the BRICS Civil Forums (2015-2020).


The University was founded on 5th February, 1960 by the USSR Government. On 22nd February, 1961, the RUDN University was named after Patrice Lumumba — one of the symbols of the African peoples’ fight for independence. Students and academics could be free to pursue their learning, teaching, and research activities at , without being subject to political context, but firmly directed to the grand principles of friendship and mutual support.On February 5, 1992, by the decision of the Government of Russia, the University was renamed to Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

For its 60-year history, the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has gained worldwide fame and won a well-deserved reputation as a classical university, which for many years occupies the highest places among the best Russian universities and is rapidly rising in international rankings.

The multilevel system of higher education (Bachelors, Masters, PhD graduates, and residency trainees), 6 faculties, 10 institutes and 1 academy ensure the widest opportunities for high-quality education.

RUDN University cooperate with leading universities of Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, Germany, and China, with over 130 dual-degree programs. Dual degree programs give students a unique opportunity to:

  • study in two countries;

  • receive two diplomas : RUDN diploma and partner university diploma;

  • reach native-like fluency in a foreign language;

  • get acquainted with the culture of another country;

  • combine study and travel.


TV BRICS is a multimedia platform that features a broadcasting channel, a TV BRICS-branded block of broadcasts on partner channels, and an Internet newswire,

The mission of TV BRICS is the development of a common information space of the BRICS countries to accelerate the processes of economic development, to improve the well-being of the peoples of our countries and to strengthen social ties.

TV BRICS open the BRICS countries to the world through immersion in their traditions and history, culture and sports, economy and modern trends.

TV BRICS Distribution Network
TV BRICS in Russia (potential audience of 31 million people)
TV BRICS in Brazil (potential audience of 111 million people)
TV BRICS in India (potential audience of 7.5 million people)
TV BRICS in China (potential audience of 150 million people)
TV BRICS in South Africa (potential audience of 23 million people)


RIC Media is an information bridge between various countries, created for those who are willing to explore business opportunities outside of their countries or find foreign partners and investors. We help international organizations to have a media footprint in Russia and Russian companies to build their communication strategies in the foreign markets. While we help organizations building brand reputation, we also actively promote effective international cooperation, facilitate creating and strengthening information links between Russia and other countries.

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Janhit Times is a 24x7 digital news channel, which cover beats from politics to public interest, sports to entertainment, national & international with 100% news content only.

Public interest is not a matter of government only. It is a collective responsibility of ours. So, let's come together for public interest to give it a positive start with "Janhit Times".

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NGO “Uzbekistan Volunteer Association” (UVA), is a single platform that unites and promotes initiative groups of volunteers in Uzbekistan acting as a medium of implementing ambitious projects and creative ideas. It is an aggregator of local and international initiatives, events, volunteer actions, which provides new opportunities for volunteers as active part of civil society.

Vision of UVA

A strong civil society where everyone contributes to the development and shaping of a sustainable future for all through volunteering.

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The Foundation “Ulyanovsk – the Capital of Culture” was established in July 2012 on the initiative of Sergey Morozov, the Governor of the Ulyanovsk region.

The Foundation “Ulyanovsk – the Capital of Culture”:

  • holds the International Cultural Forum in the Ulyanovsk region annually;

  • holds various events aimed at cultural, art and creative industries development and promoting the Ulyanovsk region with the help of culture on the regional, federal and international levels;

  • initiates grant contests supporting and developing cultural initiatives in the sphere of modern culture;

  • consults and gives information concerning culture and cultural policy of the region;

  • holds seminars, open discussions and round tables.

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